We are a coalition of existing and emerging pediatric respite, palliative, and hospice homes ("Children's Respite Homes of America"), predominantly 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations from across the United States that are bound together through a shared passion that families in our communities critically NEED us.
We believe that by supporting a National "Center of Excellence" Leadership initiative, we can leverage strategic and operational best practices, shape a conceptual framework, facilitate consensus, craft guidance for messaging, and champion evidence-based research that will inform federal and state advocacy priorities to amplify a shared voice and seat at the table for decision making.
Please click on logos for website links
Existing U.S. Free-standing "Like Houses"
George Mark Children’s House
(San Leandro, CA)
Ryan House
(Phoenix, AZ)
Crescent Cove
(Brooklyn Center, MN)
Respite Focused:
A Rosie Place for Children
(South Bend, IN)
Transitional Care/Respite Focused:
Almost Home Kids
(Chicago, Peoria, Naperville, IL)
Emerging Programs included in Coalition:
Sarah House (Cincinnati, OH)
LadyBug House (Seattle, WA)
Life House Atlanta (Atlanta, GA)
Hero’s Path Palliative Care (Albuquerque, NM)
Here 4 U (Farmington Hills, MI)
The Pinwheel Project (New York, NY)
Angela’s House (Hauppauge, NY)
Loving Home Hospice for Children (Westlake Village, CA)
Brade's Place (Orem, UT)
Mason's Light House (Grinnell, IA)
June Jessee Memorial Foundation (St. Louis, MO)
Cardinal Kids (Newton, NC)
Rays for Rare (Eagle, ID)
Regional Hospice (Danbury, CT)
Abigail E. Keller Foundation (Austin, TX)
+ Many more in various stages of formation