History and Formation

Passionate people seek others pursuing similar visions. We become further energized by sharing inspiration, learnings, and solving common problems. Over the past few decades, numerous grassroots visionaries have successfully launched “community-based” programs addressing the needs of families with children on life-limiting journeys. We are driven to enhance their quality of life, recognizing that these paths are unique, challenging, and may be short. Although there is diversity in our programs and services, we are connected through a shared purpose.
Over the years we have informally come together through a “Like House Coalition”, often expressing a yearning for national leadership to strengthen our voice and increase visibility to our efforts to support needed change.
Through this lens we have formalized into the
National Center for Pediatric Palliative Care Homes
Beginning in the early 2000’s, the first dedicated free-standing pediatric respite, palliative, and hospice programs emerged in the U.S. emulating a model of care that had become well-recognized in the United Kingdom. Pioneers to improve quality-of-life for children on life-limiting journeys had risen decades earlier with some success in program development for in-home services or ancillary programs in adult facilities. But the lack of clear licensing and Medicaid reimbursement methods for a pediatric population, meant that to launch a free-standing “Home” required sole dependency on philanthropic strategies.
The first, George Mark Children’s House, and second, Ryan House, did just that. Leaders from those programs became mentors for additional communities wanting to pursue similar dedicated free-standing Home visions, which is why the coalition became known as the “Like Houses”.
The third Home, Crescent Cove, opened in 2018 and a fourth similar model, A Rosie Place for Children which opened in 2011 focusing on providing overnight respite for families in a free-standing Home also has been actively sharing knowledge within the Like House Coalition.

Momentum for the pursuit of a national collaborative center sparked during the summer of 2021. Welcoming all passionate community-based program leaders into this National Center serves to strengthen our collective voice to champion change.